Are drones dangerous?
Drone is a popularized name for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) which is used to designate anything from a remote controlled toy quadcopter, to a CIA predator, to small unmanned planes used to monitor illegal fishing. Technologies are used for better or worse, and the same goes for drones. Drones are never dangerous as a phenomenon, but they can be used with harmful intent. We should be aware of how governments and other parties use them and if legislation and monitoring is properly installed. By promoting awareness I hope we can engage in a public discussion about for what purpose, and in what circumstances we should allow the use of drones.
Will the Drone Survival Guide (DSG) protect me from drones?
Of course not.
The DSG is an art project to inform citizens worldwide about the dangers and capabilities of drones used by governments worldwide. It has some tips how to hide from the drone's sensors and how they work, but it is very naieve to think you will be safe if you follow these instructions if you were targeted by a drone with harmful intent. Even a small drone used as a toy can fall out of the sky and hurt you, so keep looking up!
Are you promoting actions of violence against drones?
Explicitly not. The DSG is intented for the purpose of sharing public information, and call for peaceful activism in creating awareness to limit the use of drones against people. This project is pacifist in nature and I am absolutely against all forms of violence against people or property.
Are you helping / aiding enemies of NATO with this guide?
Of course not. The drone countermeasures in the guide have been publicly available for years, in various newssources and blogs. They are not very sophisticated and most of them you could figure out yourself. They won't be of much help in an actual battle scenario. Note that 87 nations in the world have drones, so countermeasures apply to all sides. Please be aware that all of the countermeasures are about misleading the drone's sensors and I am against any violence against people or property.
What is that Arabic looking text on your guide?
It is not Arabic but Pashto, a language spoken in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Not coincidentally the area where most drones are deployed worldwide, and many civilians lose their life because of them. Making the DSG bilingual is a statement that we should remember to address not just an English speaking audience when we talk about peaceful activism. A goal for me would be to use the posters in the Pashto speaking area for educational and peaceful activist purposes, together with a local, non-political organisation.
Why are all these translations on the site?
Readers / visitors of the site sent me their translations because I put out an open call. I check the basics, but I am not able to check all the languages so I cannot promise the quality or the content of the translations is up to any standard. All translations are made available freely to use, and I think it is a great thing so many people are helping me. When your translation chosen for the site, you will receive a free poster.
How do I order?
You can use the Paypal link on the site. Price of one poster is 10 euro including shipping worldwide. Somehow the link takes you to a Dutch language environment and I don't know how to fix this. Try Google translate or changing the language within the paypal site. If you want more posters simply order several times or e-mail me for an international money transfer.
Who are you?
I am a self-employed artist/graphic designer from the Netherlands with an interest in coming up with projects that promote public discussion on issues that I think need to be discussed.
Who paid you? Are you affiliated with a political organisation?
This project I did as a civilian and I paid for the production myself. I did not receive any funding or subisidiary for making it and I am not affiliated with any political organisation. I am a self-employed artist/designer.
Where's my poster? I ordered it a week ago!
There was a lot of attention and many orders came in. I will try to take care of them as quick and accurate as possible, but it might take a bit longer than usual.
Everyone that placed an order will receive their guide.